Are you ready for Embedded-UVM webinar?
Hey There, Of-course there is a requirement for open-source verification, but that’s not the only thing we want to cater to. There are other verification […]
Hey There, Of-course there is a requirement for open-source verification, but that’s not the only thing we want to cater to. There are other verification […]
A working chip is all using opensource EDA tools (no more license fee). Of course, its taped-out in 180nm technology. But who knows, this might be just the beginning. Upcoming blogs will talk more about the commercial angle of this. Let’s see how it is going to benefit student/professionals/innovators community
If you learn this tool and use it to build your own applications, you might end up presenting a paper in our online conference happening soon called “VSDOpen” – The first ever online conference on opensource EDA.
SPI model is a master/slave model. There’s some SPI master which determines who gets to transmit and who gets to receive. The output from SPI master is called MOSI (Master Out Slave In). If you have 2 slaves, slave 1 and slave 2, as shown below, MOSI goes to all the slaves .Then you have another line MISO (Master In Slave Out). All the wires are connected, as shown in below image. Then you have a master only function called SCLK, which goes to all the slaves. Now also, there must be a slave select (SS) for S1 and a slave select for S2.
the flowchart is what you need to understand just to be an expert in the field of VLSI and semiconductors. Every topic shown in above image is a field, and every topic has a beautiful physics behind it, which when blended with tools in a video course, becomes a master-piece
Never really found a chance to properly introduce myself and my background to all of you. So here it is… My name is Kunal Ghosh […]