6th mile-stone in field of open-source – FREE VLSI tool installation course

A full-fledged video lectures on step-by-step process to install OpenLANE EDA tool chain and Sky130 PDK open-process on your own laptop, from scratch. There is a dependency on vsdflow, though for fresh users and with Windows or fresh Unix machines. To do something like this, it needs a clear focus on end vision, with very good VLSI fundamentals, which demands hours of efforts every day

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‘vsdflow’ on CentOS is ready

to build the shell script for ‘vsdflow’ on CentOS, and finally I have the first cut ready. You just need to follow steps given in below link for CentOS, and all opensource EDA tools (PNR, STA, Layout, LVS) will be installed on your system. There are 2 testcases (picorv32 and spi_slave) inside the below link to test whether all tools have been installed or not. After running the shell script in below link, you need run the testcase

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How about benchmarking Opensource openSTA against ——?

So, I took up two STA tools, OpenSTA from openroad project and “——-” from “——-“, to explain, to some extent, what “bench-marking” means to me. I would also encourage everyone reading this blog to come up with their definitions of “bench-marks” for other tools and we can model that. You can fill-up “——” with one of your favorite industry grade EDA tools. The concept of benchmark won’t change

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Opensource EDA tool installation issue – Resolved

Hi Vlsi

Your feedback has been continuously pushing us to the edge. And I really want to Thank You for all the support you have been giving over the past. Its due to this push, we are now releasing (especially for VLSI freshers), a package, which you just need to download/run. That would install all opensource EDA tools on your UNIX machine plus run a complete RTL-2-GDS on RISC-V core ‘picorv32’.

All you need to do is go to below github link, and follow simple 5 steps given in the README of below link:

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An overview of Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2018

That’s exactly what happened in DAC2018 at Moscone Center, San Francisco. I was invited for a talk in DAC summer school, on my work “vsdflow” which is also one of the main topics of discussion in my “TCL programming” course on Udemy. I would say, the entire DAC was a journey of events, exchange of ideas between brightest minds of the world.

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