Use this tool for PNR – Its FREE

If you learn this tool and use it to build your own applications, you might end up presenting a paper in our online conference happening soon called “VSDOpen” – The first ever online conference on opensource EDA.

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Machine Intelligence webinar overview

Webinar presents a hands-on approach with session on GPUs, solving design automation problems with modern machine intelligence techniques by including step-by-step development of commercial grade applications including resistance estimation, capacitance estimation, cell classification and others using dataset extracted from designs at 20nm.

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The Perfect Launch – By Kunal and Rajeev

We launched industry grade PNR EDA tool ‘Proton’ on web in front of 100 people across 7 countries, which I think, by far, has been a perfect launch for any partial open-source EDA tool.The below link has the details of the launch:

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meet our technology partners

Hi Glad to have a prestigious institution (University of Illinois) and a market leader in Library characterization/modelling (Paripath) as our technology partners. For more, read […]

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