Selective Non-Default Rules Based Clock Tree Synthesis using open-source EDA
Hey There – Think about it…!! Problem Statement – For hierarchical designs ~500k instance count, participants are expected to develop code which will modify existing […]
Hey There – Think about it…!! Problem Statement – For hierarchical designs ~500k instance count, participants are expected to develop code which will modify existing […]
Hey There – Think about it!!! Today’s version of open-source EDA tools, work very well for hierarchical designs sub-25k instance count. For hierarchical designs ~500k […]
A simple chip frequency divider but most prominently used in counter modules of a microproceesor or as standalone IC can be completely designed from Verilog code to layout . A complete chip with IO pins and labels on it can be designed with help of efabless cloud based eda tool just like a commercial IC. There are two toolbox in efabless one is CloudV for Verilog or c code & other is Open Galaxy for backend design for designing commercial like IC with zero cost involved & same can be given to Semiconductor foundries for mass production. From Preparation , synthesis to DRC cleanup using Q flow manager a Core part of IC can be obtained with log files of each stage used in this process. A innovative feature of interactive DRC under Magic tool enables the designer to rectify DRC violations on the spot. Moreover, ESD protection is also available under Opengalaxy tool for use of chip in electrosensitive applications.
A good takeaway from above is which is the best flow – Well, there is no single answer to this. You can use “flow 1”, if your organization is constrained by cost and comparable performance, and you can go for “flow 2” if performance is the criteria.
DRC is something which (most likely) is supposed to fail in first instance. Let’s see what you do to fix them. In below eg. drc count is 25. Qrouter (an open-source router, which will be discussed in detail in webinar) is really good with some standard cell sets like the one which comes distributed with qflow, like OSU018, they are really nice one’s to work with. All the ports have nice squares, they don’t have these inside ‘L’ corners as shown below.
If you learn this tool and use it to build your own applications, you might end up presenting a paper in our online conference happening soon called “VSDOpen” – The first ever online conference on opensource EDA.