Symposium VI – Standard cell layout/characterization

Symposium VI – Standard cell layout/characterization, ECSM puts its number in the same arc as NLDM. The numbers you see in above image, below the cell_rise, cell_fall, rise_transition is all NLDM information. Under rise_transition, you will have ecsm_waveform and ecsm_capacitance. Now this is only one waveform, because we gave it only one load and one slope, just like we have one value under “rise_transition”. If we had 3×3 under rise_transition, then you would have had ecsm_waveform(“0”), ecsm_waveform(“1”), till ecsm_waveform(“8”), essentially 9 waveforms. And same thing with capacitance

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Symposium V – Machine Intelligence in EDA/CAD applications

Symposium V – Machine Intelligence in EDA/CAD applications- Let’s investigate a simple Wire Resistance Estimate (WiRE) model
This is common design automation problem which is used for estimating timing and power characteristics for analysis and implementation for many steps in ASIC flow. We will restrict our scope to physical implementation only, where known quantity is “length” of wire and resistance is predicted.

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Use this tool for PNR – Its FREE

If you learn this tool and use it to build your own applications, you might end up presenting a paper in our online conference happening soon called “VSDOpen” – The first ever online conference on opensource EDA.

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