ORCONF 2017 – An Olympic Like Platform for Open-source

And glad, we are a part of it this time….
If you know names like Usain Bolt or Michael Fred Phelps, you would have, probably heard their names in Olympics. And what did they had…Passion! Passion to be different! Passion to be the BEST! They were working for themselves, enhanced and perfected their inherent skills. And now, the world knows them.
In a very similar fashion, a group of passionate students and professionals, like me and several others, who have been working on something innovative, which eases the life of other students and hobbyists, display their piece of work at ORCONF – An open source digital design conference
We have been selected to display 2 of our major work we have been doing over the past 6 years –
Open-source EDA community building using technology-mediated learning (Udemy) &
An automated C-to-GDS flow using open-source EDA tools for medium-sized SOC design and implementation
You can find details in this link (https://orconf.org/).
Apart from the above 2 papers, you will find many more interesting things going on in the field of open-source, which shows, that things are beginning and about to change. It looks like the “Wave is coming” and it’s going to be there.
This time ORCONF is happening at Hebden Bridge, England, from 8th September to 10th September. So, if you are a part of my community and if you stay somewhere in UK, we can catch-up at the conference at Hebden Bridge
Also, I would like to THANK YOU, whoever is reading this blog, as it would not have been possible for me to reach ORCONF 2017, without your continuous support and encouragement. I would like to THANK everyone who have ever attended my webinar or workshop, to show trust in us and our method of delivering concepts and practical knowledge.
I would like to THANK everyone who has ever opted for my courses on Udemy, as without your belief, this would had been impossible. Trust me, if you are learning from me, you are learning for the BEST
I would love to meet you all in the conference as you all have made this possible.
Till then…Happy Learning…
Posted in Uncategorized.

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