Facts – About below open-source EDA tool

Why “integrated”? Because at lower nodes, you have to integrate other parts of the flow. Sign-off (you can see power and timing buttons below), clock tree synthesis (you can see synthesis button) must be integrated, so we have a fully integrated PnR flow that we built from day one.

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Wanna quick solution to identify overflows? – Use RISC-V branches

The final instruction which is ‘bne’ is ‘branch if not equal’ which is essentially means to branch to a different address location pointed by ‘overflow’, if t3 is not equal to t4, which is the case here. So, here’s where the overflow is detected and an error message will be printed out, informing ‘you are out of range’

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Bottoms up – From STA to RISC-V architecture

In on opensource RISC-V implementation flow, you move from right (Hardware) to Left (application program), and then coming from left, if you stop at middle (RISC-V ISA), that’s when you start thinking about this architecture from all angles, like sta, drc, congestion, clock skew, io latency, static and dynamic power, IR and many more

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ABI – Get this one right – RISC-V is all yours..

ABI (application binary interface), as the name says, is an interface, that helps programs access system hardware and services.RISC-V architecture has 32 registers (we explained, in detail, why this architecture has 32 registers in our online course). Application programmer, can access each of these 32 registers through its ABI name, for example, you need know the value of stack pointer or move the stack pointer, all you need to do is “addi sp, sp, -16”, where ‘sp’ is the ABI name of stack pointer.

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