History etched with VSDOpen2018 – First VLSI online conference….
Hi “Pictures speak it all” Finally, we all did it – VSDOpen – first ever online VLSI conference. Very close to a real one – […]
Hi “Pictures speak it all” Finally, we all did it – VSDOpen – first ever online VLSI conference. Very close to a real one – […]
Transaction-Level Verilog (TL-Verilog) is an emerging extension to SystemVerilog that supports transaction-level design methodology. In transaction-level design, a transaction is an entity that moves through a microarchitecture. It is operated upon and steered through the machinery by flow components such as pipelines, arbiters, and queues. A transaction might be a machine instruction, a flit of a packet, or a memory read/write. The flow of a transaction can be established independently from the logic that operates on the transaction. We present a preliminary library of TL-Verilog flow components that can be quickly stitched together to establish a complete microarchitecture. We show how transaction logic, like packet decoding, can be added within this flow.
Steve Hoover is the founder of Redwood EDA. Steve holds a BS in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MS in computer science from the University of Illinois. He has designed numerous components for high-performance server CPUs and network architectures for DEC, Compaq, and Intel. Students will learn Transaction-Level Verilog modelingtechniques to generate Verilog models in half the time using the makerchip.comfree online IDE. A new open-source RISC-V CPU development effort will be introduced that showcases flexible IP design practices.