History etched with VSDOpen2018 – First VLSI online conference….
Hi “Pictures speak it all” Finally, we all did it – VSDOpen – first ever online VLSI conference. Very close to a real one – […]
Hi “Pictures speak it all” Finally, we all did it – VSDOpen – first ever online VLSI conference. Very close to a real one – […]
This paper describe a rapid backend process flow (synthesis, placement, STA, routing) and top level integration to implement a small RTL IP into a tapeout ready chip using the Efabless online platform [1]. The full process is completed in less than 3 hours. The IP implemented is a configurable frequency divider
“Rapid Physical IC Implementation and Integration using Efabless Platform”. This paper describe a rapid backend process flow (synthesis, placement, STA, routing) and top level integration to implement a small RTL IP into a tapeout ready chip using the Efabless online platform