VSDOpen2019 – VLSI online conference

Conducted LIVE online on 19th October, 2019

Welcome to the World’s only online conference in Semiconductor Industry VSDOpen Conference 2019. With enormous support and global presence of audience from different segments of industrial lobby and academia made VSDOpen 2018 a highly successful event. Evolution is change in the genetic makeup of a population over time, online conference is one kind evaluation everyone adapt soon.

  • VSDOpen 2019, we are bringing you more interesting work done in RISC-V domain and Open Source EDA tools.
  • Industry and Academic research talks about the chip designed and developed using RISC-V ISA from IIT Madras India and SweRV from Western Digital.
  • First of its kind, Virtual Booth to Demonstrate the working RISC-V Chip and Board developed in complete Open source domain.


  1. Prof. Andrew Kahng at UC San Diego, OpenROAD Project Principal Investigator (DARPA Idea Program)
  2. Calista Redmond, CEO RISC-V Foundation, Ex-Vice President of IBM Z Ecosystem
  3. Daniel Nenni, Founder of SemiWiki, Business development professional
  4. Prof. V. Kamakoti  at IIT Madras, Associate Dean ICSR, National Security Advisor Board Member
  5. Ted Marena, Director RISC-V Ecosystem Western Digital, Interim Director CHIPS Alliance
  6. Frank K. Gürkaynak, ETH Zurich, Director of Microelectronics Design Center

Virtual Demo of RISC-V core:

  1. Core and application developed by PULP team
  2. RAVEN core developed by Efabless Team
  3. BOOM core developed by University of California, Berkley
  4. SHAKTI core developed by IIT Madras team


  • Learn about latest developments in the field of open-source VLSI, which is like the general knowledge interview questions
  • Researchers and Professors from around the world have presented their views on history and future of semi-conductors
  • Students and professionals will get an idea of where they currently stand and where can they help pitch in
  • Students will get an idea of how rewarding open-source technology is, in terms of jobs, research, and personal development

Audience Profile

  • Anyone who is looking for skills needed to get a good job in VLSI
  • Anyone who wants to build a career in open-source VLSI
  • Anyone who is looking to start-up in VLSI and looking for ideas to do so, as open-source VLSI is rewarding, provided taken the right approach
  • Anyone looking for current status of RISC-V initiative and looking to start-up own processor company


  • Current presence in VLSI industry is needed
  • Should be open to observe current trends happening in the field of RISC-V and open-source EDA

Tools Used

  • Open Source EDA tools

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