VSD - Static Timing Analysis (STA) Webinar
VSD shows the technique to analyze a design using an Opentimer tool, which is used to do block-based analysis, path-based analysis, cppr, incremental timing, and multi-threading. Our methods are extremely fast and accurate to analyze large-scale designs.
- Entire STA flow and ECO flow
- Explore ideas and ways to implement automated ECO flow
- Calculate performance of your design, just the way industry works, and may be, get a feel of working in a semi-conductor industry.
- Open Source EDA tool installation & application
- Guide on How to analyze and design using OPHW tools
- Analyze design size, STA runtime & Performance Check
- ECO (Engineering change order)
This webinar highlights the merits of Open source EDA tools to bring innovation in the Chip industry, and will also show our methods to learn & design on your PC and also enables higher performance at zero cost.
- Introduction to open-source C-to-GDS flow
IC design components
- RTL, floor-planning and power-planning
- Placement and Clock tree synthesis
- Introduction to static timing analysis (STA)
- STA detailing
- Runtime theory and demo
- Design size, RAM and runtime relationship
- Runtime check demo using Opentimer
- Design speed and performance characterization
- Worst negative slack (WNS) and total negative slack (TNS)
- Introduction to term 'performance' and 'clock constraints'
- IO constraints
- Performance measurement using Opentimer Preview
- Timing libraries and engineering change order(ECO)
- Brief description of timing libraries
- Brief description about driver model and receiver model
- Useful tips for operating frequency calculation
- Hold ECO detailed steps with LIVE demo
- Assignment
Audience Profile
- Everyone who's interested in working on LIVE designs using open-source STA tool
- Everyone who want to know what's the structure of this industry, specially STA
- Everyone who would love to explore ways to innovate using open-source tools
- Everyone looking to work with me on LIVE project
- Basics of Static Timing Analysis, not mandatory, as it will be anyways covered in this webinar
- Basics of digital gates and flip-flops
Tools Used
"Opentimer" open source tool developed by Tsung-Wei Huang and Prof. Martin D. F. Wong in the University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), IL, USA
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